Friday, June 10, 2011

Bon Repos Church in Haiti Rebuilt!

 When the 2010 earthquake hit Haiti, the greatest damage inflicted upon our Churches of God ministry facilities was at Bon Repos, located on the north edge of Port-au-Prince. Their school was totally collapsed, and the church building sustained significant damage. Fortunately, the timing of the quake at 4:53 p.m. meant that school was out for the day, and the building was empty.

The church building has been replaced. The walls (pictured here) are now up, waiting on the trusses (and roofing) which are now being constructed.  This past week, another team was up in the mountains at Borne to repair the damage that church building sustained during the quake. In the coming weeks, additional teams will tackle other repair projects.

We thank God for the generosity of the USA church in providing sufficient emergency funds to complete this job as well as make repairs to other facilities!!