The UnveilinGLORY seminar has
been revised. The content has been updated and reduced to four sessions. Here's a summary:
& Dog Theology – (Session #1)
“Cat & Dog Theology,” participants learn how the glory of God has been lost, ignored, and hidden among the peoples of the human race. A “paradigm
shift” is needed from a man-centered theology back to God-centered thinking, from “ME-ow-logy”
to “THEOlogy”, from believing “God exists for me” to “I exist for God," ultimately for His
pleasure, His purposes, His glory.
Story of the Bible – (Session #2)
did not initiate the idea of the Great Commission! With that startling announcement, this Bible
workshop begins in Genesis and finds that the Old Testament has always decreed
God’s desire to reach people from every tongue, every tribe and every
nation. We’ll see that while the message
of the Bible has always been two-fold, much of the modern gospel is limited to
only one message. You’ll begin to see
the Bible, not as 66 books – but as one book, with one introduction, one
story and one conclusion. The Bible will
be understood as many stories that tell one story, His-Story. You’ll know what that story is, and how all
of history has pointed us toward that one dramatic conclusion.
Missing Half of Your Bible – (Session #3)
the gospel has always consisted of 2 messages (Top-Line and Bottom-Line) and
we’ve only been hearing half the story, how do we find the missing half of our
Bible? Where and what is the missing
message in the stories of Daniel and the lion’s den, David fighting Goliath,
Solomon and his wisdom? You’ll leave
this session with a new appreciation for missions in the major stories of the
Bible… and a new motivation to seek them out every time you open your Bible!
State of the Gospel – (Session #4)
In view of our new understanding of God’s glory, our
purpose in life, God’s purpose in history and our view of the main message of
the Bible, how should we live and what should we do? In this dramatic conclusion, you’ll discover
what God’s doing to make Himself famous and what He asks of the Church. You’ll also be pointed to practical things
you and your church can do now to fulfill God’s greatest desire and
design. If you are excited about giving
God his greatest glory… at the end of this presentation you’ll know what to do!
Sessions 1, 2, & 4 are
“stand-alone” sessions and can be presented anytime. The seminar is usually held on Saturdays (for area churches to attend) or
on Sundays (to maximize teaching with one congregation). My desire is best serve your church or ministry!
There are limited dates available for this fall, but I'm also scheduling for spring dates. For more information
on availability in a local church, district or region, contact Don Dennison at
419-424-1961 or