Dr. Sircar will return to India in August and rejoin the teaching staff at Serampore College (founded by William Carey) on the north side of Calcutta, West Bengal. Through the years, he has been a close adviser and friend to Samir Singha, our Churches of God Mission field director in Uluberia. He and his family attended our IMPACT convention in Findlay in 2007, and that year's special IMPACT offering was designated for his tuition expenses. Further assistance has periodically been provided through CC 2817 Ethnic Scholarships which was designed to further ministry leadership training.
Dr. Sircar is appreciative of the encouragement and support provided by the CGGC. He states, "The journey on this road was not smooth. Yet we, as family, have an occasion to rejoice in this accomplishment. We have experienced God's steadfast love and grace and answers to many of our prayers. We lived by faith one day at a time. Your prayers played a great role in our lives. Thank you for your prayers and encouragements and support along the way."
His wife, Susanna, will complete her M.Div in Biblical Counseling at SBTS in December. Daughter Gracia has been accepted at Campbellsville University in Kentucky. Son Jonathan enters high school next year and has been accepted at Oneida Baptist Institute with full scholarship. Please pray for the family as they continue to make sacrifices in their preparation for more effective service for Him.