Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Assignment for Pastor William Primè

The CCM Commission recently approved Pastor William Primè of Orlando, FL to become the newest Project Help missionary to Haiti. Today the Administrative Council of the Churches of God in Haiti endorsed that appointment.

In accepting this Pastoral Advisor assignment, Pastor Primè is returning to his homeland to focus on making disciples and developing leaders. He will initiate training opportunities for the Conference as well as local churches, including reopening the Saint-Marc Bible Institute which he co-founded as a pastor in Haiti. His role will be similar to Pastors Mark Hosler and Dale Miller who previously served as pastoral advisors coming alongside the Haiti Conference to assist, equip and encourage.

While serving the Pierre Payen Church of God, Pastor Primè became the first President of the newly formed Haiti Conference in 1997. He later moved to Orlando, FL and pastored L’Eglise Evangelique Bethesda Church which affiliated with the CGGC. He has continued as a frequent seminar leader and interpreter in Haiti as well as the States. In 2009, Pastor Primè was appointed as volunteer Haitian Ministries Field Representative for the CGGC. At present, he is completing doctoral work at Florida Christian University.

Pastor and Madame Isemenè Primè have three children: Robenson, Gestanie, and Jordanny; and three grandchildren.
The Primès do need prayer and financial partners before beginning this assignment. Support should be designated for CC 2746 Pastor William & Isemenè Primè Support. Thank you for prayerfully considering this vital role.