Friday, October 22, 2010

Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

Early reports of a cholera outbreak in Haiti were confirmed today by medical authorities. At least 140 persons have died and more than 1,000 have been hospitalized by the illness, which causes diarrhea, acute fever, and severe dehydration. Officials believe the outbreak was caused by people drinking infected water from the Artibonite river. The worst cases are around Saint-Marc. The young and the elderly are more vulnerable to the disease. With many Haitians still in refugee camps where the sanitary conditions are not very good, the disease can quickly spread.

Since Saint-Marc is the center of our ministry work in Haiti, we are obviously concerned. Precautions are being taken to protect persons in our contact area. I have been in contact with persons in Borel, and there is no indication of any cholera in the Borel area.

Dr. Ric Bonnel (who has been responsible for scheduling medical teams since the earthquake) writes: "Most cases of cholera do not cause severe disease, especially in otherwise healthy individuals. Most people recover fully with rehydration and do not need antibiotics." A medical team from the USA will be arriving at Pierre Payen tomorrow (Saturday) and will be prepared to assist patients who come their way. The team is taking special medical supplies in anticipation of the cholera outbreak spreading.

All teams scheduled to go to Haiti in the coming weeks have been informed of the situation and given instructions for taking extra precautions. Special attention is being given to food preparation, water sources, and cleanliness. Project Help Director Steve Mossburg also returns to Haiti tomorrow and will keep us posted about happenings on the ground there.

Please PRAY for the people of Haiti that the spread of this disease will end as quickly as it began. Pray for medical personnel, government officials and church leaders to have wisdom in assisting the people in their time of need. Pray for those who mourn and who are anxious about themselves and their loved ones. Give thanks for a loving, compassionate God who is at work through His people to bring healing and encouragement.

Blessed to be a blessing,

Don Dennison, Director
CGGC Cross-Cultural Ministries